On Monday, November 24, 2014 4:35:13 AM UTC-6, Mark Lawrence wrote: > The Native Americans are no doubt regretting their > decision to "welcome any and all immigrants". Would they > have made the same decision using Python which obviously > wouldn't have been available at that time?
FINDERS KEEPERS; LOSERS WEEPERS! Contrary to your naive interpretation of history, the native Americans did not *welcome* anyone. The demise of the native american society is a direct result of sins they committed against their *OWN* evolution -- dancing mindlessly around camp fires and worshiping spirits and rocks is the path to evolutionary abyss! On the other hand, the Europeans recognized the potential of the land, *seized it*, and created the most powerful nation this world has ever seen. EVOLUTION LOVES A WINNER! This universe does not give a flying fig for your individual delusions, nor your collective societal delusions. Religion and spiritualism are nothing more than coping mechanisms fostered by "emotional feeble" minds who are incapable of facing the grim realities of their own mortality! Both have done more harm to human evolution and happiness than almost anything else. I'm disgusted to a member of a species for which a vast majority of my fellows have cast aside intelligence for the mind numbing repetitive rituals and idol worship of "shiny things" or the "maternal comfort" of a "father/mother figure". WHERE'S WALDO? Where are the monuments or the vast civilizations of the these natives? All we have today are a few arrowheads and some clay pots. Is "pup tenting" and "bareback horse riding" something to aspire to? WHERE ARE ALL ANIMAL RIGHTS ACTIVIST? There is reason why they are called "natives", and it has more to do with their lack of any "levels of organization" and less to do with their birth- right. Native Americans were a nomadic people, and they were not a nomadic people simply because they enjoyed hauling their houses on their backs every three months (actually, the women did most of the hauling) WHERE ARE ALL THE FEMINIST? They were nomadic because they lacked the collective intelligence to appreciate the intrinsic value of large centralized civilizations, and as such, they were forced to constantly chase the food sources. A MIND IS A TERRIBLE THING TO WASTE! Their failure to thrive is a direct result of choosing to utilize every muscle in the body except for the most important muscle of all, that is, the brain. Instead of trying to live "with the earth", they should of been trying to "exploit it". These resources exist for human exploitation, not simply because we have been ordained by some benevolent creature, no, but because long ago we won the battle of intelligence against our rivals, and the spoils of that war are the rights to exploit this earth, and all it's inhabitants. TO THE VICTOR GO THE SPOILS! The native Americans lost the battle of evolution, and as a result, they also forfeited the rights of historical narrative. HISTORY IS WRITTEN BY THE WINNERS! So go ahead and take your children on another scouting trip, so they can build a tee-pee and cook Indian bread, and you can tell them *fantastical* stories about how the Indians lived in "harmony" with the earth, and you can all sing "Kumbaya" to the strumming sounds of a guitar. But at some point in their lives, maybe around the time you "shatter their innocence" with the truth about "Santa Claus" and the "Easter Bunny", you might want to also reveal to them the results of a societal rejection of intelligence -- lest they grow up and become like our dear friend Mark, who is *still* writing "letters to Santa". ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS TO SURROUND BY INTELLIGENT BEINGS! -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list