On 24/11/2014 06:25, Rick Johnson wrote:
On Sunday, November 23, 2014 4:37:53 PM UTC-6, Gregory Ewing wrote:
Chris Angelico wrote:
Just out of curiosity, why does the stdlib need modules
for manipulating .wav and other sound files, but we have
to go to PyPI to get a PostgreSQL client?
I suspect it's mainly for historical reasons. The wave
module has been around since the very early days of
Python when the stldib was smaller and the barrier
to entry was lower. By today's standards, it probably
wouldn't make it in.
Immigration policies evolve basically in the same manner.
When a country is founded in a land which is sparsely
populated, naturally the state will welcome any and all
immigrants (as noted in the "New Colossus"), but as the
population becomes more and more dense, the natural (and
wise) reaction is to limit, or even prohibit, the influx of
The Native Americans are no doubt regretting their decision to "welcome
any and all immigrants". Would they have made the same decision using
Python which obviously wouldn't have been available at that time?
My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.
Mark Lawrence