On Thu, 23 Oct 2014 16:40:22 +0200, giacomo boffi <pec...@pascolo.net>

>Seymore4Head <Seymore4Head@Hotmail.invalid> writes:
>> Because most of the practice I am getting is not using Python.  I
>> use Codeskulptor.
>it's been months that you're struggling with python, if you happen to
>own a computer could you please take the time to install python on it
>and familiarise with the interactive interpreter?  I'll see that as a
>personal favor. If you have to hand in assignments using codeskulptor
>or are in any other way bound by your institution to use that service
>you could anyway use the interactive interpreter on your pc, applying
>the debugging and self-learning techniques that were shown to you, in
>many different circumstances, by the very, very helpful folks of clp.
>thank you for your attention

I have Python installed.  I will learn the interpreter.  I also
acknowledge there are very, very helpful folks here.


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