On 11/10/14 20:55, William Ray Wing wrote:
> On Oct 11, 2014, at 3:20 PM, Dennis Lee Bieber <wlfr...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
>> On Sat, 11 Oct 2014 16:26:43 +0100, duncan smith <buzzard@invalid.invalid>
>> declaimed the following:
>>> The media have their own quirks when it comes to English. The BBC
>>> regularly use "top of" / "bottom of" in the sense of "start of" / "end
>>> of", but I don't know any British people who would (currently) use that
>>> in conversation. (This only started a few years ago, and the first time
>>> I heard it I had to work out what it meant from context.)
>>      That usage I think is ancient... I'm sure I've heard it back when there
>> was a reasonable BBC World Service (along with VOA, Radio Netherlands, and
>> etc. running on Short Wave"...
>>      Top of the Hour…
> Of course, musicians have used it for years, as in “Take it from the top.”


I think it must be a more recent thing with BBC (TV) presenters /
newsreaders (I rarely listen to radio); or, at least, it has become a
lot more common. I can see it makes perfect sense with e.g. sheet music.
You start again at the top. It was the "top / bottom of the [TV]
programme" that I didn't immediately get, because I was thinking of a
timeline running left to right (perhaps rather than the script used by
the presenters).



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