on 22.07.2005 00:21 Michael Hoffman said the following:
> Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
>>John Roth wrote:
>>>Why did Guido want a PEP?
>>He said,
>>Whoa! Do we really need a completely different mechanism for doing the
>>same stuff we can already do? The path module seems mostly useful for
>>folks coming from Java who are used to the Java Path class.
>  > """
> What is this Java Path class? I have been STFWing and have found nothing 
> on it in the. Indeed if you search for "Java Path class" (with quotes) 
> almost half of the pages are this message from Guido. ;)
> Any Java hackers here want to tell us of the wonders of the Java Path 
> class?

no such thing exists.

there is only the `File` class that incorporates a little bit of the 
`path` functionality and some of the python built-in `file` functionality.

my little self would actually propose to make *path* a built-in type as 
an intermediate between file and basestring/str/unicode (the latter is 
probably needed).



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