On Sat, Aug 16, 2014 at 12:48 AM, Ben Finney <ben+pyt...@benfinney.id.au>
> > problem 1:
> > There are 24 time zone in the world, does any time zone has the time
> > zone name  such as EST,CST ?
> > Are there 24  time zone  abbreviations in python  ?what are other 22
> > except for  EST ,CST ?
> There are *many* time zones in the world, much more than 24. Please read
> up on time zones, you should already have plenty of pointers instead of
> asking here all the time.

You should also be aware that the abbreviations do not always uniquely
identify a time zone. For example, "EST" is used in both North America
(-0500) and Australia (+1000). It's usually better just to use time zone
offsets to avoid this sort of ambiguity.

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