luofeiyu <> writes:

> In my system : win7+ python3.4 .

AFAIK, Microsoft's Windows OS does not provide correct standard
timezones for programmers. They provide only proprietary data, which do
not match the international standard time zones.

You will need to install timezone support specifically for Python, with
the ‘pytz’ library I directed you to earlier.

> problem 1:
> There are 24 time zone in the world, does any time zone has the time
> zone name  such as EST,CST ?
> Are there 24  time zone  abbreviations in python  ?what are other 22
> except for  EST ,CST ?

There are *many* time zones in the world, much more than 24. Please read
up on time zones, you should already have plenty of pointers instead of
asking here all the time.

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Ben Finney


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