On 17/07/2014 02:16, Rick Johnson wrote:
On Wednesday, July 16, 2014 6:00:16 PM UTC-5, Mark Lawrence wrote:

Further the number of people assisting on the bug tracker
at the moment appears to me to be going up, not down.  It
therefore strikes me that Python is extremely tenable,
thus indicating that people are not falling for the FUD
about Python 2 versus Python 3.

Again, your "metrics", are tainted. I believe the spike in
bug reports has less to do with:

Where did I say anything about a spike in bug reports? There are a large number of open reports, but a backlog built up as the core developers were at one point having to commit changes to five different versions. Design work is being done to simplify this process and hence free up core developers' time. It will take time but in a year or three I expect to see the number of open bugs dropping considerably.

     "New community members jumping in to help"

The above is true, greatly helped by the core mentorship mailing list.

And more to do with:

     "Damn, this Python3 is buggy and i need to tell someone
     so i can get my customers off my back and this egg off
     my face, lest my feet move faster than Fred Flintstone!"

Wrong, e.g. there were far more bug reports about encode or decode errors in Python 2 than we (the Python community) see for Python 3.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

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