On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 4:15 AM, Rick Johnson
<rantingrickjohn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sadly, all of my calls to improve IDLE have been meet with
> rebukes about me "whining". The "powers that be" would wise
> to *UTILIZE* and *ENCOURAGE* my participation instead of
> *IGNORING* valuable talent and *IMPEDING* the expansion of
> this "private boys club".

Do you write patches, or just say "This is terrible. Aorta do summing
about it."? [1] If you want something done, the best way is to do it.
Simply telling someone else what to do is not "participation" which
should be "encourage[d]", but is indeed likely to be whining.

Oh, and when you talk about it like this, you make everyone absolutely
sure that it really IS just whining.


[1] http://www.textfiles.com/humor/strine.txt

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