On Saturday, April 5, 2014 2:28:29 AM UTC+5:30, Mark H. Harris wrote:
> hi Mark, yes that's my point. I have heard rumors of python2.8? At some 
> point I would expect that the Cpython interpreter would 'freeze' and no 
> one would fix it any longer. I have a serious question, namely, why does 
> the Cpython community continue to suppport two interpreters rather than 
> asking the Cpython user-base to migrate to Cpython3?
Computer-hobbyists and computer-professionals are quite different sets of 

Are you aware 
That people FORTRAN, COBOL, mainframes are still in use?
That people deep in those would not be amused if their systems suddenly stopped 
That some of the above people have not clue that the world around is not 
exactly in the same state they see it?
And that YOU would not be amused if your credit card suddenly stopped working?
(very likely running in some cloistered COBOL mainframe env).

1. Python is a fun language; its also a serious language
2. Python is not as old as FORTRAN and COBOL but at 20 years its not exactly 
young either
3. Its reached so far because core-devs behave responsibly towards different 

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