On 2014-02-20 18:16, kjaku...@gmail.com wrote:
What I've got is
def stu_scores():
     lines = []
     with open("file.txt") as f:
     return ("".join(lines[11:]))

scores = stu_scores()
for line in scores:
     fields = line.split()
     name = fields[0]
     sum1 = int(fields[4]) + int(fields[5]) + int(fields[6])
     sum2 = int(fields[7]) + int(fields[8])
     average1 = sum1 / 3.0
     average2 = sum2 / 2.0
     print ("%s %f %f %") (name, average1, average2)

It says that the list index is out of range on the sum1 line. I need stu_scores 
because the table from above starts on line 11.

Apart from the other replies, the final print is wrong. It should be:

    print "%s %f %f" % (name, average1, average2)


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