kxjakkk <kjaku...@gmail.com> Wrote in message: > Let's say I have a sample file like this: > > Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > name1 099-66-7871 A-F Y 100 67 81 59 98 > name2 999-88-7766 A-F N 99 100 96 91 90 > name3 000-00-0110 AUD 5 100 28 19 76 > name4 398-72-3333 P/F Y 76 84 49 69 78 > name5 909-37-3689 A-F Y 97 94 100 61 79 > > For name1, I want to add together columns 4, 5, 6, and get an average from > that, then do the same for the last two columns. I want to do this for every > name. > > All I've got is > sum([int(s.strip()) for s in open('file').readlines()]) >
Don'ttrytodoitallinoneline.thatwayyouactuallymighthaveaplacetoinse rtsomeextralogic. -- DaveA -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list