On 06/01/2014 20:49, Terry Reedy wrote:
On 1/6/2014 8:44 AM, Mark Lawrence wrote:
On 06/01/2014 12:39, Ned Batchelder wrote:

I'm not talking about the technical details of bytes and Unicode.  I'm
talking about making customers happy.

Simply scrap PEP 404

Not necessary.

and the currently unhappy customers will be happy
as they'll be free to do all the work they want on Python 2.8,

They are already free to do so, as long as they do not call the result
'Python 2.8'.

 > as my
understanding is that the vast majority of the Python core developers
won't do it for them.

Which is what some of them want and why they will never be happy.

I find all this intriguing. People haven't found time to migrate from Python 2 to Python 3, but now intend finding time to produce a fork of Python 2 which will ease the migration to Python 3. Have I got that correct?

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


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