wpog, In IDLE, go to the File menu and select New Window. You can write your program there. Just save the file with the extension .py, such as hello.py
Once the program is written, you can save the changes and press F5 to run the script. If you haven't checked out the links below, you might want to refer to them: http://www.ibiblio.org/obp/thinkCSpy http://www.honors.montana.edu/~jjc/easytut/easytut/easytut.html Scott Durkin -------------------------------------------------------------------- S c o t t J. D u r k i n -------------------------------------------------------------------- Computer Science |||| Preston Junior High [EMAIL PROTECTED] |||| http://staffweb.psdschools.org/sdurkin ____________________________________________________________________ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ [(_)] |=| [(_)] |=| [(_)] |=| [(_)] |=| [(_)] |=| '-` |_| '-` |_| '-` |_| '-` |_| '-` |_| /mmm/ / /mmm/ / /mmm/ / /mmm/ / /mmm/ / |____________|____________|____________|____________| | | | ___ \_ ___ \_ ___ \_ Computer Room [(_)] |=| [(_)] |=| [(_)] |=| Lab N205 '-` |_| '-` |_| '-` |_| /mmm/ /mmm/ /mmm/ ____________________________________________________________________ 970.419.7358 |||| 2005-2006 -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list