
I really appreciate the immediate response from the community!!! I thank 
you all for all the help, and now I can start programming, and I also now 
have a resource for help for a Newbie;-)

Later on I will broach the subject of creating .exe programs so that anyone 
can run them on Windows, but that won't be for a while yet, but I did 
download ":cx_Freeze-3.0.1-win32-py24"; however, I don't have a clue on 
what the hell I'm doing yet, so I'll get to that later.

Anyway, I once again thank you all for the support, and suggestions, and I 
hope to actually create something that people might use, like a magic 8 
ball generator!;-p

Best Regards,

"Scott Durkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> wpog,
> In IDLE, go to the File menu and select New Window.  You can write
> your program there.  Just save the file with the extension .py, such
> as
> Once the program is written, you can save the changes and press F5 to
> run the script.
> If you haven't checked out the links below, you might want to refer to
> them: 
> Scott Durkin
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>                S  c  o  t  t     J.    D  u  r  k  i  n
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>              Computer Science  ||||  Preston Junior High
> ____________________________________________________________________
>     ___   _      ___   _      ___   _      ___   _      ___   _
>    [(_)] |=|    [(_)] |=|    [(_)] |=|    [(_)] |=|    [(_)] |=|
>     '-`  |_|     '-`  |_|     '-`  |_|     '-`  |_|     '-`  |_|
>    /mmm/  /     /mmm/  /     /mmm/  /     /mmm/  /     /mmm/  /
>          |____________|____________|____________|____________|
>                              |            |            |
>                          ___  \_      ___  \_      ___  \_
>    Computer   Room      [(_)] |=|    [(_)] |=|    [(_)] |=|
>      Lab      N205       '-`  |_|     '-`  |_|     '-`  |_|
>                         /mmm/        /mmm/        /mmm/
> ____________________________________________________________________
>                    970.419.7358  ||||  2005-2006


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