Am 17.12.13 06:37, schrieb Rick Johnson:
On Sunday, December 15, 2013 11:01:53 AM UTC-6, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
low-level language with some interface to Python. The main
difference between this hypothetical "Python GUI" and Tcl
is that Tcl is a Turing-complete interpreter which lives
in it's own process.

And how many times would you take advantage of that "turning
complete" functionality in reality? My answer... ZERO! How
many Tcl calls have you, or anybody, made that did have
direct business with creating or managing a TK gui? HOW

There are some useful extensions to Tk written in Tcl. For example, there is tablelist - a tree widget or multicolumn listbox in pure Tcl. By passing it to the Tcl interpreter, you can wrap it up for Python - that's what Kevin Walzer did at

It would take many man-month to reproduce this thing in Python.

Another example is the file open dialog (import tkFileDialog). On Windows and OSX, it uses the native variants, but on X11 it uses a very outdated, ugly and hard to use thing bundled with Tk. With just a few lines executed by some Tk.eval('source myfixes.tcl'), I overwrite this dialog box with the one created by Schelte Bron:

For reference, here is myfixes.tcl:

lappend auto_path [file dirname [info script]]
if {[tk windowingsystem] == "x11" } {
        package require fsdialog
        interp alias {} tk_getOpenFile {} ttk::getOpenFile
        interp alias {} tk_getSaveFile {} ttk::getSaveFile
        interp alias {} tk_chooseDirectory {} ttk::chooseDirectory


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