On Sat, 14 Dec 2013 21:05:05 +0000, Mark Lawrence wrote: > On 14/12/2013 20:48, wxjmfa...@gmail.com wrote: >> >>>>> print((os.linesep).join([unicodedata.name(c) for c in u])) >> ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE SEE >> LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE >> EURO SIGN >> CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-3456 >> CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER GJE >> COUNTERBORE >> ASTERISK >> >> ----- >> >> cp65001, font: Consolas >> >> D:\jm\jmgo>echo "ሴé€㑖Ѓ⌴*" >> "ሴé€㑖Ѓ⌴*" >> >> As I explained some chars are rendered with the .notdef glyph: the >> chars 1, 4 and 7. >> >> I build an exe with the golang. Same result. >> >> Just for curiosity: >> XeTeX -> pdf: same result. >> LucidaConsole CID TrueType, >> Consolas CID TrueType >> understand: "OpenType" >> >> jmf >> >> > Where is the Python related issue here?
Read the whole thread before charging in like a bull at a gate accusing people of being off-topic. This is on-topic, and if you don't see the connection, you need to read the whole thread. > Why do you keep posting double spaced crap, despite repeated requests > not to do so? Or do you blame this on the allegedly failed PEP 393 > FSR implementation? I see no double-spacing in the text you quoted. Do you have nothing better to do than continually hassle people over minor formatting issues? Formatting issues are harmful to the degree they get in the way of efficient communication. Since by your own admission you have never treated JMF as being credible, there's nothing he can write or say that you will believe, so why do you care what he writes? You are not the target of his communication unless you choose to be. Apart from annoying the bystanders, your repeated angry and abusive screeds aimed at JMF in particular but others as well over minor formatting issues is more disruptive than the issues you are complaining about. I am grateful to you for taking the time and effort to write up a wiki page on fixing this issues, but gratitude for that will only go so far in forgiving disruptive behaviour. -- Steven -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list