On 14/12/2013 14:15, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 1:03 AM,  <wxjmfa...@gmail.com> wrote:
D:\>chcp 65001
Page de codes active : 65001
D:\>echo "*"

('fr_CH', 'cp1252')


In my understanding and experience, in the MS world
(desktop, intel), today:
Unicode == utf-16-le

You still haven't explained how Win7 is different from every other
Windows going back as far as NT. Back in the NT days, Windows had
"Unicode" (really UCS-2 - it predated Unicode 2.0, so that was correct
for a few years) while OS/2 had DBCS. Hindsight shows that OS/2 did
kinda get left behind there :) Though maybe it would be easier to
force migration from DBCS to true Unicode than from UTF-16 or UCS-2
where it looks fine till you hit an astral character. Now how is Win7
different from NT? And where does the current "oldstable" Windows (if
I may borrow a term from Debian), XP, fit into that?

If you think, utf-16, because of surrogate pairs, is
not a proper solution, the single choice is utf-32.

You may not be aware, you are already using utf-32
probably much more than you think, (in a correct way).

Yeah. I use UTF-32 a lot, often stored in ways that elide unnecessary
00 bytes. It's a pretty good system, actually, giving high
performance, compact memory usage, and correct behaviour. Still don't
know what this has to do with Win7.


Reread "The Emperor's New Clothes" and you'll get it :)

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


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