Op 26-11-13 15:37, Roy Smith schreef:
> In article <mailman.3219.1385452076.18130.python-l...@python.org>,
>  Antoon Pardon <antoon.par...@rece.vub.ac.be> wrote:
>> So I think we may expect more effort from the writer in trying to be 
>> understandable than from the readers in trying to understand. And 
>> that includes idiom use.
> We live in an international world (otherwise we wouldn't need that 
> annoying unicode stuff).  When you say, "effort to be understandable", 
> what you're really saying is, "everybody should be just like me".
Are you sure? I certainly hope not. That would be horrible!

> Unfortunately, that's not going to happen.  Or maybe fortunately, since 
> variety and exploring different cultures is part of what makes life 
> interesting.

So I can now ask my questions in dutch and expect others to try and
understand me instead of me asking them in english? Or can I use
literal translations of dutch idioms even if I suspect that such
a literal translation could be misunderstood and even be insulting?

> Keep in mind, there's a lot of native Mandarin speakers who are 
> wondering why they need to bother learning English at all.

So what is your point? Do you think they can just come and ask
there questions here in Mandarin or do you expect them to do
an effort to be understandable in english?

Antoon Pardon

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