Short story: the subject says it all, so if you have an answer already, fire away. Below is the long story of what I'm using it for, and why I think it needs to be recursive. It may even be of more general interest in terms of filtering the results of generators.
I'm playing with an anagram-generating module which works like this: 1) Generate the integer partitions of the length of the input string. 2) For each partition, replace its elements with a list of all dictionary words which are a) the same length as the partition element and b) a sub-multiset of the input string. eg: "cat in hat" -> ... , [3,5], ... -> [[act, ant, ...], [antic, attic, ...]] 3) Pass each resulting list of wordlists to itertools.product, filtering the output of anything which is not the same multiset of characters as the input string. This works but gets very slow for long strings. It spends most of its time at the filtering stage because most of the results have too many of some characters (and therefore not enough of others). I do some optimising of the lists prior to running product, but this only shaves off smallish percentages. I got a big speedup (factor of five for medium-length inputs, much more for longer strings) by replacing itertools.product with this recursive generator: def cartesian_product(args, input_str): if not args: yield (), input_str return for words, check_str in cartesian_product(args[:-1], input_str): for word in args[-1]: #this bit prevents bothering with anything useless new_str = check_str for letter in word: if letter in new_str: new_str = new_str.replace(letter, '', 1) else: break else: yield words + (word,), new_str Despite being inherently much slower than itertools.product, it can "prune" branches of the recursion as soon as it accumulates too many of any character. This means it's much faster and produces correct results without further filtering. But there is another problem. The initial partitions contain repeated elements, so the corresponding wordlists are also repeated. This means that any cartesian product will contain many redundant results - the same words in a different order. For a medium-sized string, this is most of them. A solution for repeated sections of a partition of wordlists is to use r-combinations (where r is the number of repeats). In this scenario, though, some words may be usable more than once, and the right number of copies of these words must be added to the list to allow this. This means I need the combinations of a multiset (so I can't use itertools.combinations). I found a verbal description of such an algorithm and came up with this: def multicombs(it, r): result = it[:r] yield result while 1: for i in range(-1, -r - 1, -1): rep = result[i] if rep < it[i]: break else: break for j, n in enumerate(it): if n > rep: break result = result[:i] + it[j:j - i] yield result I added a call to this generator in a branch to the main generator above to deal with repeated elements. This eliminates redundant results, but with a substantial slowdown. The program now spends most of its time inside multicombs. I'm hoping that if I could find a recursive multiset combination generator, I could speed it up using the same pruning approach. Any suggestions? -- John --