On 2013-11-16, Larry Hudson <org...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> However, that's just a side comment.  I wanted to mention my
> personal peeve...
> I notice it's surprisingly common for people who are native
> English-speakers to use 'to' in place of 'too' (to little, to
> late.), "your" in place of "you're" (Your an idiot!) and
> 'there' in place of 'their' (a foot in there mouth.)  There are
> similar mis-usages, of course, but those three seem to be the
> most common.
> Now, I'm a 76-year-old curmudgeon and maybe overly sensitive,
> but I felt a need to vent a bit.

The cases where written and spoken English diverge are hotbets of
word usage problems. I'm glad the issue doesn't exist for
programming languages, which thankfully don't really have a
colloquial or spoken version.

Written English probably changes much slower than spoken English,
and we have the curmudgeon's to thank.

Neil Cerutti

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