On 2013-11-15 13:43, xDog Walker wrote:
> On Friday 2013 November 15 06:58, Grant Edwards wrote:
> > There are people (not many in this group) who grew up speaking
> > English and really ought to apologize for their writing -- but
> > they never do.  
> Can you supply an example of the form such an apology might take?

"I'm sorry that, despite growing up steeped in the language, I can't
manage to put together two coherent thoughts or practically apply any
of the spelling/grammar/punctuation/capitalization lessons provided
at no cost to me throughout 12+ years of academic instruction."

Harumph.  Non-native speakers get my extensive compassion--English
really is a nutso language, and any attempt to use it for
communicating should be lauded in the face of that challenge.
However, native speakers have a higher bar, IHMO.



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