Op 30-10-13 19:02, jonas.thornv...@gmail.com schreef:
Den onsdagen den 30:e oktober 2013 kl. 18:44:20 UTC+1 skrev MRAB:
On 30/10/2013 16:31, jonas.thornv...@gmail.com wrote:
Den onsdagen den 30:e oktober 2013 kl. 17:22:23 UTC+1 skrev Mark Lawrence:
No that is not my problem, apparently so it is that the newsreader constructors
do not like the competition of Google groups otherwise they would had written
the five lines of codes necessary to remove the empty linebreaks.
I like web based features, and i will use them until "they get it right,
End of story
Google Groups aren't following the standard. Everybody else is. Why
should everybody else have to add a fix to correct what Google Groups
keeps getting wrong?
I do see though this have to be something related to their database, nothing
they do by purpose. So unless the database storing messages change, it probably
would need an ugly fix like a script.
So probably you should direct your question to either the creators of googles
database or beg the creators of google groups to do a fix...
You are wrong. If you use a service that is faulty, then the annoyance
that creates, is your responsibilty.
Just suppose your neighbours rented a paint pistol that was faulty and
because of that they sprayed paint on some of your valuables. Would you
agree that it wouldn't be their problem. Would you agree they could
just continue using that paint pistol spraying paint on your possession
and telling you, you should go to the firm where they rented the paint
pistol with your complaints?
You are using faulty news software that contributes hard to read
messages and thus pollutes the newsgroup. I understand this is not
your intention but it sure is the effect of your behaviour. So
you are polluting this newsgroup and now you have been made aware of
it. Continueing with the same behaviour will not encourage others to
help you in the future.
Antoon Pardon