Hi all.

I'm having troubles with urllib2 timeout.

See the following script :

import urllib2
result = urllib2.urlopen("http://dumdgdfgdgmyurl.com/";)
print result.readline()

If run on my Debian Wheezy computer, or on my Debian Squeeze server,
the answer is instantaneous :

urllib2.URLError: <urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known>

When run on my Raspberry Pi with Raspian Wheezy, the answer is
identical but it takes 10 seconds.

I tried 

    result = urllib2.urlopen("http://dumdgdfgdgmyurl.com/";, timeout=5)

but I get the same results : instantaneous on Debian, 10 secondes on

I also added this, as suggested on some StackOverflow pages :

    import socket

and it didn't make any difference.

In both cases, Python version is "Python 2.7.3".

Am I missing something ?




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