Stephen Tucker <> writes:

> ESRI compound the problem, actually, by making all the strings that the 
> ArcGIS Python interface
> delivers (from MS SQLServer) Unicode! (I suppose, on reflection, they have no 
> choice.) So I am
> stuck with the worst of both worlds - a generation of Python (2.X) that is 
> inept at handling
> unicode (on an operating system (MS Windows 7) that is not much better, and 
> being flooded with
> unicode strings from my users' databases! Anything you can come up with to 
> ease all this (like,
> "convert all your strings to unicode as soon as you can and render them as 
> ASCII as late as you
> can") has already been of help.

I wouldn't say that Python 2.x is inept at handling Unicode. You just have to 
know what you are doing. But that's also true for Python 3.x, although that 
give you a bit more help. But you can do everything you want with 2.x, I think.
Piet van Oostrum <>
PGP key: [8DAE142BE17999C4]

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