On 10/04/2013 09:38 AM, F.R. wrote:
As of late clipboard pasting into a terminal sometimes fails (a
known bug, apparently), I use MySQLdb to access MySQL tables. In
general this works just fine. But now I fail filling a new table. The
table exists. "mysql>EXPLAIN new_table;" explains and
"root@blackbox-one:/# sudo/find / -name 'new_table*'" finds
"/var/lib/mysql/fr/new_table.frm". So I do "cursor.executemany
('insert into new_table values (%s)' % format, data)". No error occurs
and "cursor.execute ('select * from new_table;')" returns the number
of records read, and "cursor.fetchall ()" returns all new records. All
looks fine, but "mysql>SELECT * FROM new_table;" produces an "Empty
set" and "sudo find / -name 'new_table*" still finds only the format
file, same as before.
Could it have to do with COMMIT. I believe I am using ISAM tables
(default?) and those don't recognize undo commands, right?. Anyway, an
experimental "cursor.execute ('COMMIT')" didn't make a difference. It
looks like MySQLdb puts the data into a cache and that cache should be
saved either by the OS or by me. Strange thing is that this is one
freak incident in an almost daily routine going back years and
involving thousands of access operations in and out acting
instantaneously. I seem to remember a similar case some time ago and
it also involved a new empty table.
Thanks for hints
mysql> select version()
-> ;
| version() |
| 5.5.31-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Thank you Chris, thank you Steven,
The suggestion to switch to PostgreSQL isn't lost on me. I have it
installed, but have been putting off the change, apprehensive of getting
slowed down by many annoying side effects for some time to come. This
may be the moment . . .
Off list? MySQL is. MySQLdb is not. Before I know which of the two
is the culprit, I don't know whether I'm off list or not and take the
risk, prepared to beg pardon if I am.