Στις 26/9/2013 11:55 πμ, ο/η Nobody έγραψε:
On Thu, 26 Sep 2013 10:26:48 +0300, Νίκος wrote:
How can i wrote the two following lines so for NOT to throw out
KeyErrors when a key is missing?
city = gi.time_zone_by_addr( os.environ['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP'] ) or
gi.time_zone_by_addr( os.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] ) or
"ÎγνÏÏÏη Î Ïλη"
tz = None
ip = os.environ.get('HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP')
if ip:
tz = gi.time_zone_by_addr(ip)
if not tz:
ip = os.environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR')
if ip:
tz = gi.time_zone_by_addr(ip)
if not tz:
tz = "ÎγνÏÏÏη Î Ïλη"
Likewise for the hostname.
Its logic is simple and straightforward but too many lines:
host = socket.gethostbyaddr( os.environ.get('HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP') or
os.environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR') or "Άγνωστη Προέλευση" )
this is much better in my opinion and straighforward also and more clear
to read:
it doens't work though:
ima thinkin that the [0] is missign at the end so i cna grab the first
item of the returnign tuple:
host = socket.gethostbyaddr( os.environ.get('HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP') or
os.environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR') or "Άγνωστη Προέλευση" )[0]
for the first two element if they are beign return i cna understand the
[0] at the end but what about if the string is being return wouldnt that
return just the 'A' of the string?
Is it correct to write it liek this?