On Thursday, September 26, 2013 11:31:29 AM UTC+2, Ferrous Cranus wrote:

> I have tried code and also provided alternative code to solve my problem 
> which also doesn't solve it.
> So, you cannot accuse me that i'm not trying, that would be the case to 
> just ask for a line without trying anything for myself, which i did twice.

I'll accuse you of being a dimwit. The questions you ask do not show you 
trying. The code that _is_ posted is not straightforward or geared towards 

> Also when a solution is being provided to me i do not only want to use 
> it but want to understand too, so if something similar comes up i will 
> be in a position to solve it that time.

If you really want to do that, then why do you insist on one-liners? Write out 
the logic with a sequence of if statements. That is easy to understand, gives 
clearer error messages. The solution by Nobody is fairly foolproof, and the 
logic is clear. What's not to like? 


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