On 9/20/2013 5:58 AM, Aseem Bansal wrote:
I started Python 4 months ago. Largely self-study with use of Python
documentation, stackoverflow and google. I was thinking what is the
minimum that I must know before I can say that I know Python?
I come from a C background which is comparatively smaller. But as
Python is comparatively much larger what minimum should I know?
The C stdlib may be smaller than the Python stdlib, but I do not think
the language itself is much smaller. Python3 is a bit smaller than
Python2 due to removals.
Python the language is defined in the Language Reference. So 'knowing
Python' means knowing most of that. What I might leave out: the details
of all the special method names; which bitwise operators do what; yield
from (3.3+). From the library manual, I would include an overview of
chapters 2 to 5. For instance, not memorize all the exceptions, but
understand the hierarchy.
Terry Jan Reedy