On 2013-09-20 02:58, Aseem Bansal wrote:
> I started Python 4 months ago. Largely self-study with use of
> Python documentation, stackoverflow and google. I was thinking what
> is the minimum that I must know before I can say that I know Python?

It's a fuzzy line.  A good while back, there was a thread regarding
Python interview questions:


to which I replied with a pretty large list.  The idea was not to
ensure that people knew everything on it, but as a way to take stock
of somebody means by "I know Python", which can mean anything from "I
wrote _Hello World_ in Python once" to "I'm Guido/Raymond/Effbot".

Along with the "Basics" section of that email, I'd expect a reasonable
understanding of commonly-used libraries offered out of the box (at
least a breadth of what is there, even if you haven't used them

Most of the "history" items in that list are somewhat moot unless you
have to support older Python (I still have some 2.4 installs that
don't let me use the "with" statement or sqlite by default).



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