On Fri, Sep 13, 2013, at 10:38, stephen.bou...@gmail.com wrote:
> > Hm, that gives me a "Type str doesn't support the buffer API" message.
> Aha, I need to use str(s, encoding='utf8').rstrip('\0').

It's not a solution to your problem, but why aren't you using
CF_UNICODETEXT, particularly if you're using python 3? And if you're
not, utf8 is the incorrect encoding, you should be using encoding='mbcs'
to interact with the CF_TEXT clipboard.

Anyway, to match behavior found in other applications when pasting from
the clipboard, I would suggest using:

if s.contains('\0'): s = s[:s.index('\0')]

Which will also remove non-null bytes after the first null (but if the
clipboard contains these, it won't be pasted into e.g. notepad).

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