On Thursday, September 12, 2013 10:43:46 PM UTC-5, Neil Hodgson wrote:
> Stephen Boulet:
> >  From the clipboard contents copied from the spreadsheet, the characters 
> > s[:80684] were the visible cell contents, and s[80684:] all started with 
> > "b'\x0" and lack any useful info for what I'm trying to accomplish.
>     Looks like Excel is rounding up its clipboard allocation to the next 
> 64K. There used to be good reasons for trying to leave some extra room 
> on the clipboard and avoid reallocating the block but I thought that was 
> over a long time ago.
>     To strip NULs off the end of the string use s.rstrip('\0')

Hm, that gives me a "Type str doesn't support the buffer API" message.

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