On 8/21/13 6:50 PM, Fábio Santos wrote:

On 21 Aug 2013 20:07, "Johannes Bauer" <dfnsonfsdu...@gmx.de <mailto:dfnsonfsdu...@gmx.de>> wrote:
> On 21.08.2013 11:11, Ulrich Eckhardt wrote:
> > That said, there is never a need for deriving
> > from the Thread class, you can also use it to run a function without
> > that. That way is IMHO clearer because the threading.Thread instance is
> > not the thread, just like a File instance is not a file. Both just
> > represent handles for manipulating the actual thing.
> Huh? That I find most curious.
> I *always* derive from threading.Thread and really like the way that
> thread setup works (instanciate Thread handle, call start). Very
> intuitive, never had the problems with clarity that you mentioned. Could
> you elaborate on your suggestion? I don't seem to quite get it I'm afraid.
> Best regards,
> Johannes

I cannot tell whether you are trolling or are just new to this, but you don't always have to use threads. You use threads when you need multiple parts of your program running concurrently. Don't inherit Thread if all you are doing is a simple object with state, nor if your program does not need concurrency.

I think it is safe to assume that Johannes meant, "when I use threads, I never do it the way you suggested, I always derive from threading.Thread."



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