Op 01-07-13 09:55, Νίκος schreef:
> Στις 1/7/2013 9:37 πμ, ο/η Antoon Pardon έγραψε:
>>> Remember that Nick is as much a human as all of us, he is bound to
>>> have his feelings hurt when so many people pick on him -- whether they
>>> are justified or not.
>> So? Should we particularly care about Nikos's feelings? Nikos is not
>> the victim, he is the instigator. And should his feelings get hurt
>> when it is pointed out what picture people got from him through his
>> own behaviour, I say good. May that way he'll learn that if he doesn't
>> want to be considered an incompetent inconsiderate jerk, he shouldn't
>> behave like one.
> Well, i will also follow your advice and not care at all about your
> feeling when you read the following.

This makes no sense. You are not following my advice, if you were
already behaving like this.


No thanks, I'm getting a little old for that.

Antoon Pardon

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