Στις 1/7/2013 9:37 πμ, ο/η Antoon Pardon έγραψε:
Remember that Nick is as much a human as all of us, he is bound to
have his feelings hurt when so many people pick on him -- whether they
are justified or not.

So? Should we particularly care about Nikos's feelings? Nikos is not
the victim, he is the instigator. And should his feelings get hurt
when it is pointed out what picture people got from him through his
own behaviour, I say good. May that way he'll learn that if he doesn't
want to be considered an incompetent inconsiderate jerk, he shouldn't
behave like one.

Well, i will also follow your advice and not care at all about your feeling when you read the following.


What is now proved was at first only imagined!

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