Peter Hansen wrote:
> Sean, what gave you the impression this would change?

just inductive reasoning. i've been wrong before (like anyone who makes
that claim), and i'm a former python enthusiast, so my judgement must
be colored to some extent  by bitterness. maybe they have solid reasons
for scrapping the functional constructs. but to me it seems like
they're eliminating them just because they offend the sensibilities of
C-programmers. (i mean those stereotypical C-programmers, baffled by
recursion and the like, who don't want to be reproached with the fact
of their mathematical illiteracy.) if that's the case then list
comprehensions and/or "first class functions" are likely to be the next
target. even if they're not, it's pretty clear that python is leaving
its multiparadigmatic origins behind. "do it our way," the pundits are
effectively saying, "or get out". for my part, i'm getting out.


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