Carl Banks wrote: > Listcomps et al. cannot do everything map, lambda, filter, and reduce > did. Listcomps are inferior for functional programming. But, you see, > functional is not the point. Streamlining procedural programs is the > point, and I'd say listcomps do that far better, and without all the > baroque syntax (from the procedural point of view).
I've heard this said a couple times now -- how can listcomps not completely replace map and filter? I'd think that: mapped = [f(i) for i in seq] filtered = [i for i in seq if f(i)] The only map case that doesn't cleanly reduce is for multiple sequences of different length -- map will extend to the longest one (padding the others with None), while zip (izip) truncates sequences at the shortest. This suggests an extension to (i)zip, possibly (i)lzip ['longest zip'] that does None padding in the same way that map does. Reduce can be rewritten easily (if an initial value is supplied) as a for loop: _accum = initial for j in seq: _accum=f(_accum,j) result = _accum (two lines if the result variable can also be used as the accumulator -- this would be undesirable of assigning to that can trigger, say, a property function call) Lambdas, I agree, can't be replaced easily, and they're the feature I'd probably be least happy to see go, even though I haven't used them very much. --