Nick the Gr33k <> wrote:
>On 16/6/2013 4:55 ??, Tim Roberts wrote:
>> Nick the Gr33k <> wrote:
>> Because Python lets you use arbitrary values in a Boolean context, the net
>> result is exactly the same.
>What is an arbitrary value? don even knwo what arbitrary means literally 
>in English.

Basically, it means "any".  In Python, you can use ANY value where a
Boolean is expected.  All types have a Boolean meaning.  For integers, 0 is
false, anything else is true.  For strings, an empty string "" is false,
anything else is true.  For lists, an empty list [] is false, anything else
is true.  For tuples, an empty tuple () is false, anything else is true.
For dicts, an empty dict {} is false, anything else is true.

>The argument being returned in an "and" or "or" expression is the one 
>that *determined' the evaluation of the expression.

That's not exactly how I'd put it, but the statement is correct.  The last
thing it had to evaulate is the result of the expression.

>And actually what's being returned is not the argument itself but the 
>argument's value.

But this is no different than any other programming language.  Expressions
always use the value of their operands, and they always return a value.

The name vs value thing is critical to understanding Python, in my opinion,
and it can be a stumbling block when you're coming from another language.
Here's how I think about it.

Python had two distinct spaces: there is a space for names, and there is a
space for objects (which are values).  Objects live in a nameless, faceless
object cloud.

A name is always bound to some object (which might be the "None" object). A
name always knows its object, but an object never knows what names it is
bound to.

The only things that can be used in expressions and function arguments are
objects.  Names are merely the way we specify which objects to be used.

    a = [3]

That creates a nameless list containing a single integer object with the
value 3.  It then binds the name "a" to that list.  Note that the list has
no clue that it is bound to any names.

    b = a

That binds "b" to the same list.  "b" and "a" are not related in any way,
except that they happen to be bound to the same object.  Note that there is
still only one list.


That modifies the list so that it now contains [3,4].  b is bound to the
same list, so if you 
you'll see [3,4]

Now, let's say I do this:

    a = [5]

Here's where people get tripped up.  This does not change our original
list.  Instead, it creates a new nameless list containing 5, and binds the
name a to that list.  a and b are no longer bound to the same object.
Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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