On 14/6/2013 11:57 πμ, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 6:44 PM, Nick the Gr33k <supp...@superhost.gr> wrote:
Someone want to explain this?

Stop writing. Start reading. It has been explained. In the course of a
long and adventurous thread in the principal European courts, it has
been revealed to you that ...

Fill in whatever you like for the rest, it's probably all been
revealed at some point already.


Well i do not understand it.
Had to use:

                if '-' not in name + month + year:
cur.execute( '''SELECT * FROM works WHERE clientsID = (SELECT id FROM clients WHERE name = %s) and MONTH(lastvisit) = %s and YEAR(lastvisit) = %s ORDER BY lastvisit ASC''', (name, month, year) )
                elif '-' not in name + year:
cur.execute( '''SELECT * FROM works WHERE clientsID = (SELECT id FROM clients WHERE name = %s) and YEAR(lastvisit) = %s ORDER BY lastvisit ASC''', (name, year) )
                elif '-' not in month + year:
cur.execute( '''SELECT * FROM works WHERE MONTH(lastvisit) = %s and YEAR(lastvisit) = %s ORDER BY lastvisit ASC''', (month, year) )
                elif '-' not in year:
cur.execute( '''SELECT * FROM works WHERE YEAR(lastvisit) = %s ORDER BY lastvisit ASC''', year )

to am eit work.

but i really wont to understand how 'or' and 'and' works inside an expression. please answer my previous post if you know.

What is now proved was at first only imagined!

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