On 2013.05.21 14:26, Mark Lawrence wrote:
> On 21/05/2013 20:13, Skip Montanaro wrote:
>>> Thank you, but let me rephrase it. I'm already using str.format() but I'd
>>> like to use '%' (BINARY_MODULO) operator instead.
>> That's unlikely to change. If not deprecated already string
>> interpolation using the modulo operator has lost favor to the string
>> object's format method.
> Please stop perpetuating this myth, see
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2012-February/116789.html
> and http://bugs.python.org/issue14123
What myth? People should indeed be using .format(), but no one said %
formatting was going away soon. Also, the suggested change to the docs
wasn't made and the issue is closed. The current docs do not say that %
formatting isn't going to be deprecated, but it does mention its
caveats and suggests .format(). If you are trying to say that % formatting will
never ever go away, then you are wrong. It is highly
unlikely to go away in a 3.x release, but /may/ get phased out in Python 4.0.
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