On 10 May, 07:51, Mark Janssen <dreamingforw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You see Ian, while you and the other millions of coding practitioners
> have (mal)adapted to a suboptimal coding environment where "hey
> there's a language for everyone"  and terms are thrown around,
> misused, this is not how it needs or should be.

Please cite your industry experience so we know this is a pragmatic
exercise for you and not a display of public onanism.

> Instead of the
> thriving Open Source culture on the web we could have, the community
> stays fractured.

What fractures communities is telling "millions of [maladapted]
practitioners" that they're wrong, and that your unsubstantiated
intuition somehow trumps their billions of hours of combined

> Languages can reach for an optimal design (within a
> constant margin of leeway).   Language "expressivity" can be measured.

I'm sure that's great. I, however, have a major project going live in
a few weeks and would rather just get something done.

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