On 04/13/2013 12:28 AM, Mark Janssen wrote:
>> Mark, this proposal is out of place on a Python list, because it proposes an
>> object methodology radically different from any that is implemented in
>> Python now, or is even remotely likely to be implemented in Python in the
>> future.
> Wow, you guys are a bunch of ninnies.  I'm going to find some
> theoretical folks....

Insulting list members is not a great way to gain traction.  Ned is
correct, though.  Your discussion is best held in another place where
theoretical folks do hang out.  Perhaps you should get together with
Ranting Rick.  Like you he lacks a formal background in language
development, but also like you has strong opinions on how things should
be done differently.  Maybe you can roll your ideas into his Rython
language.  On this list I think the vast majority of us simply want to
discuss how to effectively use Python to solve our problems.

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