El martes, 7 de mayo de 2013 23:53:32 UTC+2, Terry Jan Reedy  escribió:
> On 5/7/2013 4:27 PM, cheirasa...@gmail.com wrote:
> > file = filedialog.askopenfile ( mode....... )
> askopenfile is a convenience function that creates an Open dialog 
> object, shows it, gets the name returned by the dialog, opens the file 
> with that name, and returns an appropriate normal file object
> > to open a file with an open dialog box, OK. Made it.
> >
> > How i get the name of the opened file?
> file.name, (at least in 3.3), which in your example below is "file.doc"
> > print(file)
> >
> > the output is: <......name="file.doc"...mode=......encoding..........  >
> This is the standard string representation of a file object. It is 
> created from the various attributes of the file instance, including 
> file.name.
> > How can i get the second member of 'file'?
> Strings do not have fields. The second 'member', would be the second 
> character, file[1], which is not what you want.
> > And i am unable to find a detailed reference to this object in the i.net
> Use the Fine Manual. The entry for builtin open() function, which you 
> should read to understand the 'open' part of askopenfile, directs you to 
> the Glossary entry 'file object' which says "There are actually three 
> categories of file objects: raw binary files, buffered binary files and 
> text files. Their interfaces are defined in the io module. The canonical 
> way to create a file object is by using the open() function." The kind 
> of file object you get is determined by the mode ('b' present or not), 
> buffer arg, and maybe something else. You can look in the io chapter or 
> use dir() and help() as John G. suggested.
> Python programmers should really learn to use dir(), help(), and the 
> manuls, including the index and module index.
> --
> Terry Jan Reedy

Yeah. This is an answer. A lot of thanks.

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