#open html template
        if htmlpage.endswith('.html'):
                f = open( "/home/nikos/public_html/" + htmlpage )

                htmldata = f.read()
                counter = ''' <center><a href="mailto:supp...@superhost.gr";> 
<img src="/data/images/mail.png"> </a>
                              <center><table border=2 cellpadding=2 
                                          <td><font color=lime>Αριθμός 
href="http://superhost.gr/?show=stats";><font color=cyan> %d </td>
                          ''' % data[0]

        #render template                                
        template = htmldata + counter
        print ( template )
Yes the aboev code does work if we talk about appending html data to an already 
html file!

But if the file is some_python.py file then i cannot just append the data.
Actually by appending i dont want to actually insert the data to the end of the 
.py file, thus altering it but instead run the .py file and print the counter 
html data afterwards!

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