On 03/05/2013 01:53 PM, Νίκος Γκρ33κ wrote:
Let's focus on just the following snipper please:

Once again, I repeat. Make a fragment that contains enough information to actually run. Explain in what environment it's running, and what you hoped would happen. For example, why on earth would you assume that printing to the console below would write to a file instead? Is some part of this running as a cgi inside a web server? What is your environment?

f = open( some_python_file )
htmldata = f.read()
counter = ''' print( "

Syntax error here. Since the inner string is more than one line, you will need to use """. See my example last message. This only matters if you succeed in writing this to a python file.

                              <center><a href="mailto:supp...@superhost.gr";> <img 
src="/data/images/mail.png"> </a>
                              <center><table border=2 cellpadding=2 
                                          <td><font color=lime>Αριθμός 
href="http://superhost.gr/?show=stats";><font color=cyan> %d </td>
                              " )
                          ''' % data[0] 
#render template                                
template = htmldata + counter
print ( template )

Why should print write to some python file you have open?? Besides you have the file open for readonly access. So you might use:

f = open( some_python_file, "w" )


What this snippet tries to accomplish is append the following string

                counter = ''' <center><a href="mailto:supp...@superhost.gr";> <img 
src="/data/images/mail.png"> </a>
                              <center><table border=2 cellpadding=2 
                                          <td><font color=lime>Αριθμός 
href="http://superhost.gr/?show=stats";><font color=cyan> %d </td>
                          ''' % data[0

at the end of the the python script file that it currently opened.

But that's not at all what's inside the counter variable.

I'am using the print statemnt inside the triple quoted string so to append that 
html data by inserting a print statemnt but although i have changes the type of 
quoting it still fails.

Don't ever say "it fails". If you can't be bothered to explain in what way it fails, forget it. Perhaps you're trying to say it prints a string to the console instead of writing a different string to the

Or perhaps you're saying it crashed the Windows machine, and killed power for miles around. Or perhaps you're saying it got an exception but we won't bother telling you which.

If i try to append that html data to an .html file they are inserted beautifully

Untrue, unless your environment is specified, it certainly did not. perhaps you were running the program with output redirected to a file, in which case it lost the earlier version. Or perhaps you were running it on a web server, and you *think* some file changed because some obscure thing happened on your browser. What's your environment?

 but inside a .py file they dont.

I just need to append that string after the end of a .py file. that's all i 
want to do.

Easy to do in emacs.


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