On 2013-02-05 18:38, maiden129 wrote:
I'm trying to create this program that counts the occurrences of each digit in
a string which the user have to enter.
Here is my code:
s=input("Enter a string, eg(4856w23874): ")
for i in s:
if i in checkS:
if t>1:
for k in range(1,t):
The 'remove' method changes the list itself and then returns None, so
after executing this line the first time, s will be None.
print(i, "occurs", t,"times.")
elif t==1:
print(i,"occurs 1 time.")
else: pass
but it keeps showing this error:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'count'
I wanted to show like this:
Enter a string: 3233456
3 occurs 3
2 occurs 1
4 occurs 1
5 occurs 1
6 occurs 1
You shouldn't add or remove items from a collection, such as a list,
over which you're iterating. Is it even necessary in this case? No.
Have a look at the Counter class in the collections module. That'll let
you eliminate most of your code! :-)