Alasdair McAndrew <> on Thu, 29 Nov 2012 wrote:
> Probably the combinations of OpenCV, Scipy.ndimage and scikits-image > would cover pretty much all of my needs.


All of those (+ mahotas, which is the package I wrote & imread which might be useful for microscopy file formats) will work on numpy arrays (openCV requires a bit of conversion back and forth, but it will work). Therefore, it is not much of a bother to mix&match functions from one or the other library::

    import mahotas as mah
    import imread
    import skimage
    import pylab

    image = imread.imread("my-fancy-image.jpeg")
    filtered = mah.gaussian_filter(image, 4.)
    segmented = skimage.segmentation.quickshift(filtered)

I just mixed 4 different packages seamlessly in this example. This will work flawlessly.

mahotas & skimage are both under very active development, but neither is unstable (i.e., we keep adding new features, but the existing code is very reliable). scipy.ndimage is sort of dead: I scavenged its code for good bits and pieces for mahotas, but nobody is developing ndimage.

If you run into specific issues, the mailing list pythonvision at!forum/pythonvision

is a good forum. Plenty of people from different projects lurk there.


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