Christian Heimes wrote:
> Am 28.11.2012 19:14, schrieb Michael Torrie:
> > I'm curious.  What features do you need that pil doesn't have?  Other
> > than updating pil to fix bugs, support new image types or new versions
> > of Python, what kind of active development do you think it needs to
> > have? Maybe pil has all the features the original author wanted and is
> > pretty stable.  To judge a package on how fast it's changing seems a bit
> > odd to me.  Obviously you want to know that bugs can get fixed of
> > course.  Perhaps none have been reported recently.
> PIL is missing a bunch of features like proper TIFF support (no
> multipage, g3/g4 compression and more), JPEG 2000, RAW and HDR image
> formats, tone mapping, proper ICC support, PEP 3128 buffer support ...
> PIL is also rather slow. My smc.freeimage library can write JPEGs about
> six times faster, because it uses libjpeg-turbo. Only some Linux
> distributions have replaced libjpeg with the turbo implementation.

Have you tried libtiff? I believe the author may read this list.
(He posted here for at least one release).

Hope that helps,

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