Aditi wrote:
> hi all...i m a software engg. student completed my 2nd yr...i have been
> asked to make a project during these summer vacations...and hereby i
> would like to invite some ideas bout the design and implementation of
> an APPLICATION MONITORING SYSTEM....i have to start from scrach so
> please tell me how to go bout it rite from the beggining this is the
> first time i m making a project of this complexity...
> i have to make a system used by the IT department of a company which
> contains 31 applications and their details which are being used in a
> company ...the details are...
> Application   sub application         catagory        platform        
> language        version         IT
> owner functional owner        remarks         source code     documentation   
> last updated
> dates
> i want to design a system such that it lets the it employee enter the
> name of the application and gives him all the details about it...please
> suggest an appropriate design and the language which you think would be
> best to i have enouf time with me and i can learn a new
> language as well...i currently know c and c++...your advise is welcomed
> Aditi

I suggest you first learn a bit of python: go to and
download/install the current release; go through the online tutorial: .

Then you might look at xml as a means for storing the data.  Xml is
structured, readable without special software(very helpful for
debugging), and easy to use for simple data.  Try the xml module from
[look at the demos for simple usage]   Don't be intimidated by complex
formal definitions of XML, what you need is not hard to use.

-- George


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