On 12 November 2012 22:26, NJ1706 <nickj1...@googlemail.com> wrote: > # List of tests > TestList = ( > 'Test_1', > 'Test_2' > )
Note that TestList is a *tuple*, not a list. You normally would want to write "test_names" instead of "TestList" for several reasons: * Unless it's a class, Python prefers lowercase_names_with_underscores (or sometimes camelCaseNamesThatLookLikeThis) * Python tries not to care what type you have - that your names are in a list is less important than that you can loop over it * It's definitely not a list. A list would look like this: TestList = [ 'Test_1', 'Test_2' ] Additionally, your comment here is somewhat pointless. The code says *exactly* what your comment does, so why write it twice? # List of tests Don't need # Initialise the dictionary of lists Don't need # Loop through the list of tests Don't need # Append to the list for each instance Not very helpful. If you comment here, you should explain *why* you are looping, not *that* you are looping. You write "append", but *what* and, more importantly,*why*? # Initialise our string list Don't need # Build string list Again, whilst it is nice to know more, you are not saying *what* you are building. What is the *purpose* of the list? # Convert to string Don't need # Assign to target list Don't need A good comment might just be one at the start that explains the goal, or one inside that explains the *point* of a piece of code. Consider these two commented pieces of code: # Define a function that takes a, b and c def f(a, b, c): # Set s to ((the square of b) minus four times a times c) all to the power of 0.5 s = (B**2 - 4 * a * c) ** 0.5 # Return the calculated values return (- b + s) / (2 * a), (- b - s) / (2 * a) Vs. # Finds x where the equation "ax**2 + bx + c" makes 0 def f(a, b, c): # Use the quadratic equation ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quadratic_equation) # s is the square root part of the equation (where x**0.5 is the square root of x) s = (B**2 - 4 * a * c) ** 0.5 # Return two values because there are two possible solutions return (- b + s) / (2 * a), (- b - s) / (2 * a)
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